Swapping $Nature & Becoming a LP on PancakeSwap to Farm SafariSwap NFTs & More…

14 min readNov 9, 2021


$Nature Pairing Available on PancakeSwap

What is PancakeSwap

PancakeSwap is a Decentralized Exchange(DEX) based on the popular Binance Smart Chain(BSC). Similar to its predecessors, UniSwap & SushiSwap, which is based on the Ethereum Chain (ETH), PancakeSwap allows trading of different BEP-20 cryptocurrencies utilizing an automated market maker (AMM) model where you trade against a liquidity pool instead of the market. These liquidity pools consist of other users’ deposited funds into the pool which in return, these liquidity providers (LP) will receive LP tokens and earn trading fees.

As to the time of publish, SafariSwap currently has 2 liquidity pools allowing our SafariSwappers to participate as a LP which are, USDT:$Nature & BUSD:$Nature. With the LP tokens received, SafariSwappers can then participate in the faming pool available on our DApp page (https://app.safariswap.io) and farm for Nature Credits (cNature) which can then be used to open our treasure boxes to gain our SafariSwap exclusive NFTs.

Farming Pools available in DApp

With these NFTs, not only can our SafariSwappers exchange them into $Nature using our DApp but we also strongly encourage to hold all these NFTs with our upcoming gamification launch where our SafariSwappers can potentially earn more $Nature by joining in the game. For more details,you can refer to our previous article mentioning on the NFT upgrades: https://medium.com/@safariswapdex/introducing-safariswap-nft-upgrades-digital-hunt-for-food-f338a26436e5

Setting up a BSC wallet to use on PancakeSwap

Before we begin with swapping on PancakeSwap, the first step is to ensure you have a Binance Smart Chain (BSC) wallet set-up so that you are able to connect to PancakeSwap to start trading. Following are the instruction on how to set up a BSC wallet via MetaMask/TokenPocket/Trust Wallet, please choose either one to setup if you have yet to do so. For those who have already done so, you may skip this step and scroll down to understand how to swap $Nature on PancakeSwap.

MetaMask (Desktop/Mobile)

Step 1: For desktop users kindly use google chrome and add MetaMask extension via chrome web store, whereas mobile users kindly install MetaMask app via your google play or apple app store.

Step 2: On the homepage, you’ll see a couple of options including “Import wallet” and “Create a Wallet”. If this is your first time using MetaMask, click on “Create a Wallet”. After that create your password and to confirm your password on the following pages after.

Step 3: In the wallet creation process, you’ll be given a 12 words recovery phrase. Make sure to save the recovery phrase somewhere safe. After you’ve saved your recovery phrase, you will need to verify it. Once you’ve verified your recovery phrase, your MetaMask wallet will be successfully created.

Step 4: Go to Settings and then click on “Networks”, and after click on “Add Network” which is at the bottom of the Networks page.

Step 5: Key in the following information accordingly:

Network Name : BSC Mainnet
RPC Url: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/
Chain ID: 56
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com
Click “Add”

After it is done, you have successfully set up a BSC wallet on MetaMask. Kindly scroll down to understand how to swap $Nature on PancakeSwap.

TokenPocket Wallet (Mobile)

Step 1: Kindly install TokenPocket Wallet app via your Google play or Apple app store. Alternatively, you may scan the QR code below to do so.

Step 2: On the homepage, you’ll see “I have an account” and “No accounts”. If this is your first time using TokenPocket, click on “No accounts”. Click on “Binance Smart Chain” and followed by “Create Wallet” to create a BSC wallet.

Step 3: Set your password and after you’ll be given a 12 words recovery phrase. Make sure to save the recovery phrase somewhere safe. After you’ve saved your recovery phrase, you will need to verify it. Once you’ve verified your recovery phrase, your TokenPocket wallet will be successfully created.

After it is done, you have successfully set up a BSC wallet on TokenPocket. Kindly scroll down to understand how to swap $Nature on PancakeSwap.

Trust Wallet (Mobile, Recommend Android Users Only)

Step 1: Kindly install Trust Wallet app via your Google play or Apple app store.

Step 2: On the homepage, you’ll see two options including “Create A New Wallet” and “I already have a wallet”. If this is your first time using Trust Wallet, click on “Create A New Wallet”. After that agree on the terms & conditions on the following page.

Step 3: In the wallet creation process, you’ll be given a 12 words recovery phrase. Make sure to save the recovery phrase somewhere safe. After you’ve saved your recovery phrase, you will need to verify it. Once you’ve verified your recovery phrase, your Trust wallet will be successfully created.

After it is done, you have successfully set up a BSC wallet on Trust Wallet. Kindly check next to understand how to swap $Nature on PancakeSwap.

Swapping $Nature on PancakeSwap

Please note that you will be using the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 network to be able to connect to PancakeSwap. After your BSC wallet is set-up, it is important to have your BEP-20 USDT/BUSD for use and also some Binance Coin (BNB) in your wallet. You may do so via Binance platform (https://www.binance.com/en) for the purchase and also to withdraw out as BEP-20 tokens into your wallet.

Once you have the USDT/BUSD & BNB ready in your wallet, you can then proceed the following steps to connect the wallet to PancakeSwap and swap for $Nature.

Step 1: Access PancakeSwap page via your wallet browser holding onto the USDT/BUSD & BNB. You may see the following different steps on how to access the page via the different wallet browser.
PancakeSwap URL: https://pancakeswap.finance/

Step 1.1 (MetaMask Desktop): Please ensure you are using google chrome with the Metamask wallet extension installed in the browser. On the Metamask wallet, do login with your password & ensure the wallet you are accessing is the one holding onto the USDT/BUSD & BNB. After doing so, enter URL: https://pancakeswap.finance/
Please scroll down to Step 2 after doing so.

Step 1.2(MetaMask Mobile): On your Metamask mobile wallet, open up side menu and click the “browser” within the menu. After doing so, click on the URL bar as shown and enter URL: https://pancakeswap.finance/ . Please scroll down to Step 2 after doing so.

Step 1.3(TokenPocket Wallet): On your TokenPocket mobile wallet, click the “browser” showing on the bottom menu bar within the wallet. After doing so, click on the URL bar at the top as shown and enter URL: https://pancakeswap.finance/ . Alternatively, you can click on the PancakeSwap logo under Hot DApps. If prompted for you to switch to Binance Smart Chain Mainnet, Please click “Confirm”.
Please scroll down to Step 2 after doing so.

Step 1.4(Trust Wallet): *Please note that it only works for Android Version* On your Trust wallet, click the “DApps” showing on the bottom menu bar within the wallet. After doing so, click on the URL bar at the top as shown and enter URL: https://app.safariswap.io/. After connecting to the DApp page, click on the ETH network icon on the top right of the browser as shown. Choose smart chain as the network to be accessing via the DApp browser.
Please scroll down to Step 2 after doing so.

Step 2: Click on connect wallet on the PancakeSwap page and choose the wallet that you are currently using. For TokenPocket users kindly click on more, and you will be able to see TokenPocket available.

Step 3: Should you own multiple wallets in the same account, kindly select the correct wallet to be connecting to PancakeSwap and click “Next”. You will be prompted to connect the wallet to PancakeSwap, click “Connect” to start connecting the wallet to PancakeSwap, some wallets may require you to key in the password you have set for the wallet everytime for connecting and confirming so please do take note. If prompted for you to switch network, kindly click “Switch Network”.

Step 4: After the wallet is connected, click on “Trade” to utilize the trading function on PancakeSwap to swap for $Nature. For mobile version wallets it will be shown on the bottom left.

Step 5: On the trading page under the To column, Click on “Select a currency” and paste the following $Nature contract address: 0x080cc6eb47dcae6a42fc5408ebd5cf2aa05eaec3
Once it is successful, you will then be able to see that $Nature will be prompted for import. Click on “Import” to allow swapping of $Nature.

Step 6: After clicking import, there will be a pop-up to confirm on import of $Nature for swapping. Kindly tick I understand and click on the import to continue. After doing so, $Nature will be available for swapping as shown below. As for the From column, kindly choose between USDT/BUSD which you have withdrawn to get the tokens swap for $Nature.

Step 7: After everything has been done proper, next is to key in the volume of the USDT/BUSD which you will like to swap for $Nature. To become a Liquidity Provider (LP) you will need equal value of USDT/BUSD to pair with $Nature in order to add liquidity, so it is recommended to swap about half of the volume of USDT/BUSD that you have in total as shown below.

After the volume has been input, the amount of $Nature that you will receive will be automatically filled in. For first-time user swapping for $Nature, you will see the “Enable USDT/BUSD” button that will appear. Click on the “Enable USDT/BUSD” to allow PancakeSwap to use the USDT/BUSD for swapping, after which click “Confirm”. Once the approval is successful, you can swap into $Nature, simply click on “Swap” to begin the swapping process.

Step 8: Click on “Confirm Swap” to acknowledge the volume and price to swap, after your wallet will prompt you to confirm the transaction. Click “Confirm” to begin the transaction, after the swapping is done, for first-time user it will prompt you to add $Nature into your wallet for easy viewing after ,so click “Add $Nature to Wallet” and then Click on “Add Token”.

Once all the above steps are done, you will be able to see $Nature in your wallet along with the remaining USDT/BUSD and your other assets. That means you are ready to add in the liquidity and becoming a LP to farm for SafariSwap NFTs. Next, we will be showing how to add liquidity on PancakeSwap.

Adding Liquidity on PancakeSwap

Step 1: At the trade page of PancakeSwap, click on “Liquidity” to add liquidity on PancakeSwap and to become a LP. At the liquidity page, click on “Add Liquidity” to proceed adding the liquidity.

Step 2: A pop-up will be prompted for you to select the token pairings to be adding the liquidity. Click on “Select a Currency” to select the first currency to be added. Depending if you will like to farm in the USDT/$Nature pairing pool or BUSD/$Nature pairing pool, kindly select USDT or BUSD as the first currency to be added.

Step 3: After selecting on the first currency, click on the second “Select a currency” and add $Nature to be selected as the second token to be added for liquidity.

Step 4: When both currencies are selected, you can click on the “Max” on the $Nature input to ensure that you are adding the max liquidity available to be added to the pool. Once the volume is filled, the “Enable $Nature” will be shown to allow PancakeSwap to have access to $Nature and be used to add into liquidity. Click “Enable $Nature” followed by “Confirm” in order to approve $Nature usage.

Step 5: Once the above has been approved, the “Supply” button will be available. Click on “Supply” to supply both tokens chosen to be added into the pool, and click on “Confirm Supply” to confirm this transaction. After please click “Confirm” in your wallet to approve the mentioned transaction.

Step 6: Once the above transaction is done, you will be prompted to add the Cake-LP token into your wallet for reference. Click on it, and follow by clicking “Add Token” to add the LP tokens received to be displayed in your wallet.

With this LP tokens received that is where we have successfully become a Liquidity Provider to the $Nature pairing and allowing us to earn from transaction fees with each swap done on this pool. Additionally, with the LP tokens that is where we can farm in SafariSwap farming pool on the DApp to earn Nature Credit (cNature) which can then be used to open the treasure boxes and earn the NFTs. Scroll down to find out how to farm the LP tokens in SafariSwap.

Farming LP Tokens in SafariSwap Farming Pool

Step 1: Access SafariSwap DApp page via your wallet browser holding onto the LP tokens that is received after adding liquidity on PancakeSwap.
DApp URL : https://app.safariswap.io
Ensure that your side menu bar is opened up and click onto “Farms” within the menu to access the farming pool page.

Step 2: Depending on the liquidity pair that you have added into the pool on PancakeSwap, USDT/$Nature or BUSD/$Nature, you can click on the respective table to expand the details of that particular farming pair. After doing so, you will be able to see the “Unlock Wallet” button that will be available. Click on “Unlock Wallet” on the farming pair you have chosen to connect your wallet with SafariSwap DApp.

Step 3: Choose the wallet that you are currently using. Should you own multiple wallets in the same account, kindly select the correct wallet to be connecting to the DApp and click “Next”. You will be prompted to connect the wallet to the DApp, click “Connect” to start connecting the wallet to the DApp. If prompted for you to switch network, kindly click “Switch Network”.

Step 4: Click on the “Enable” button based on the farming pair that you have added liquidity on PancakeSwap, which will allow the DApp to access the LP token that you have received from PancakeSwap to be utilized for farming on the DApp. Click “Confirm” to allow the DApp to access the LP tokens.

Step 5: Once the LP tokens has been allowed access on the DApp, you will now see the “Stake LP” button available. Click on “Stake LP” to stake the LP tokens that you have and begin farming for Nature Credit (cNature). After doing so, you will be prompted on how many LP tokens that you will like to stake, click “Max” to stake all the LP tokens that you have and then click “Confirm”.

Step 6: Click on “Confirm” on your wallet to allow the tokens to be staked into DApp faming pool via the smart contract. Once the transaction is successful, you will be able to see your staked balance in the table. If you have added more liquidity on PancakeSwap and have more LP tokens to increase more farming yield, you can click on the “+” button to stake more of the LP tokens that you have on hand. If you will like to un-stake from the farming pool and get back your liquidity from PancakeSwap, you can then click on the “-” button to un-stake your LP tokens and go to PancakeSwap to retrieve back your liquidity.

Congrats you have now officially stake you LP tokens and begin farming in the farming pool to be earning Nature Credits (cNature) over time. Harvesting of cNature is done manually, so you can accumulate more cNature over time before you click “Harvest” to harvest the cNature on hand to open the treasure boxes.

Opening Treasure Boxes to Earn NFTs

Step 1: Once you have harvest the cNature you can then proceed to open the treasure boxes to earn SafariSwap NFTs. At the SafariSwap DApp page, ensure that your side menu bar is opened up and click onto “Treasure Box” within the menu to access the treasure box page. If this is your first time opening the treasure box, you will need to approve the smart contract. Click on “Approve”, followed by clicking “Confirm” in your wallet in order to begin opening the treasure boxes.

Step 2: Once the smart contract has been approved, the “Buy” button will be made available. Click on “Buy”, which till then prompt a pop-up asking on the amount of treasure boxes you will like to open. Every 1 cNature allows you to open 1 treasure box, each containing a NFT, please kindly ensure that you key in a whole number and click “Confirm” to begin the process of buying the treasure boxes. You will then be prompted to click “Confirm” in your wallet, and after the transaction is done successfully, you will be able to see the list of NFTs that you have won. Do check out the video below for better illustration.

With the NFTs, you can either choose to exchange for $Nature under the “Exchange NFT” function in the DApp or to hold these NFTs and participate in the upcoming gamification which allows you to earn more $Nature in the process. More details on the NFT upgrades, you can refer to: https://medium.com/@safariswapdex/introducing-safariswap-nft-upgrades-digital-hunt-for-food-f338a26436e5

About Safariswap

SafariSwap is a groundbreaking new system that is designed to revolutionize charitable giving. By using blockchain technology to generate resources for charities, SafariSwap provides complete transparency towards charitable contributions and reflects shareholders’ voices. This creates sustainability and also revolutionizes wildlife conservation efforts around the world through blockchain.

Embark on this journey with us now and we can end the poaching and exploitation of endangered animals together.

Stay tuned for our updates!

SafariSwap, a giant leap for all wildlife.

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Written by Safariswapdex

Safariswap, a giant leap for all wildlife

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